Passion for Dahlias
I can’t express enough how magnificent these flowers are. They glow in the garden. Such magnificent blooms deserve a little gushing about, right? Grow a few dahlia tubers in your own garden next season and I’m sure (if you aren’t already) you’ll be a dahlia addict, too.
‘Short Track’ dahlia
Ever since I had the space to grow even just a few plants outdoors It has been dahlias. I never could have imagined when I bought those first few clumps of ugly potato-looking tubers that no other flower could touch the dahlia’s place in my heart. The first variety I grew was nothing fancy, but dahlias quickly became my favorite flowers. The blooms were luscious, generous, and ethereal.
‘Roque Starburst‘ dahlia
I didn’t have a single pest on my plants and every single bloom was perfection. My plants grew to waist high and created a thick hedge of healthy green foliage. Even the leaves were gorgeous: pinnately compound with an almost lacelike quality.
Dahlia ‘Night Silence’ even has beautiful foliage.
One of the characteristics that makes dahlias my top garden plant is their generous nature. I shared the blooms with anyone I could - even leaving surprise bouquets for strangers to find. Then, when I learned how to divide the tubers, I found out I could share my love of gardening and growing them, too. Dahlias are easy and captivating, a real treat to grow.